
Copyright Directive Implementation

During the first webinar, experts and representatives of FERA and FSE’s networks heard from Ula Furgal, Lecturer in Intellectual Property and Information Law and researcher at the University of Glasgow’s CREATe Centre, who presented an overview of the Directive’s transposition 13, underlining the modest engagement of Member States at this point and the fact that the digital dimension of authors’ and performers’ remuneration for the exploitation of their works was largely absent from national transpositions while interpretation on certain issues e.g. transparency could diverge significantly from one country to the next.

2019 Copyright Directive transposition

During the second seminar, Ula Furgal – Project expert and Lecturer in Intellectual Property and Information Law, CREATe Centre, University of Glasgow – introduced to the audience the up-to-date situation of the transposition of the Directive.

Collective Agreements (Art.XI 167/5) in Belgium

Barbara Persyn, an intellectual property lawyer working with the Flemish Belgian writers’ guild and directors’ guild introduced the provisions in the law which required that collective bargaining be undertaken to address the details of implementation of Chapter III of the Copyright Directive. At the time of speaking these new provisions had not resulted in active negotiation.

The changing landscape for film and TV production 

During the third webinar Gilles Fontaine, Head of Department for Market Information at the European Audiovisual Observatory, made a presentation. Based on the wide perspectives of research and publication of the EAO, it brings a broad and general analysis of the current situation of the film and television industries in Europe and broad speculation about the long-term prospects. He drew attention to the inherent structural problems of the current expansion of production volumes, in particular in the rapid growth of short-run TV series and suggested likely scenarios for the inevitable downturn.

EU Guidelines on collective agreements of self-employed people

A thorough and comprehensive oversight of the new EU Commission draft Guidelines on collective agreements of self-employed people was presented to the meeting by Tatiana López Garrido, Policy Officer at DG Competition. Here is her presentation.

Implementation of Article 18

During the second webinar, Cécile Despringre of the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA), the European grouping of Collective Management Organisations in the Audiovisual, explained both the principles and the current state of play of the implementation of Article 18 of the EU Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market.

2019 Copyright Directive: Transposition to date in France

During the first webinar, Pauline Durand-Vialle gave a general introduction to background of the much-delayed transposition of the Copyright Directive and a detailed description of the French transposition in France. Here is her presentation «Copyright Directive in France Implementing the 2019/790 Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market provisions on fair remuneration in authors’ and performers’ exploitation contracts».

Engaging the Members’ Base

« Organising, collective bargaining and how to efficiently engage the members’ base : an organiser’s perspective » is the title of a presentation made during the first workshop by Ben Egan, Organising Director at UNI Europa, in which he outlined the basic requirements for a campaign.

Surveys on Collective Representation – FSE

FERA and FSE each conducted an identical survey of its members to ascertain their organisational strengths and weaknesses. Here is the detailed presentation of the results to the survey conducted by FSE.

Surveys on Collective Representation – FERA

FERA and FSE each conducted an identical survey of its members to ascertain their organisational strengths and weaknesses. Here is the detailed presentation of the results to the survey conducted by FERA.

Project detailed presentation

This project, entitled VP 2020/002/0067 “Strengthening Collective Bargaining for Audio-Visual Creators”, is financed by DG Employment of the European Commission. The project is developed by UNI MEI, with FERA and FSE as partners with the formal aim of strengthening collective bargaining for audiovisual authors and creators. Here is the detailed description of the project and initial work plan.

Copyright Directive Implementation – A playbook

This playbook was prepared in 2020 by FERA with input from FSE for the members of both organisations. It aims at providing basic information about the implementation process of the Directive 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, and the key provisions of interest for European Film and TV directors and screenwriters, focusing on the Directive provisions on fair remuneration.